
Understanding Theaters of Operation

Theaters of operation must be carefully analyzed, studied and meticulously read in order to prepare first responders for the reality of scenarios they may face.

The analysis of the theater of operation where your personnel will work allows you the correct technical, mental and psychological foundation to understanding the exact scenario and all the components which may manifest themselves. This process is much more than creating a simulation or exercise! It contains critical information which will allow you to test all the operational ingredients that may be present.

In addition, the study of the theaters of operation helps us understand if we are screening our staff in the right manner and selecting according to the right components. The selection process for any function must be a result of a comprehensive study of the functional role in the specific theater of action.Often, the screening process takes into account the physical and mental components of what is required for serving in a certain function, but does not analyze what the field will be like in the event of an occurrence. The field dictates our ability to function well and apply our tactics.

Finally, leaders and commanders will be able to make better decisions when studying the theater of operation and have access to critical data that can be decisive in the success of any operation. As a result, we may change certain tactics, create new procedures, change our strategy, develop a doctrine and carry our function based on a realistic and real time assessment of all the components inherent to different scenarios.

In this manner our operational intelligence will be greatly upgraded.

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