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Critical information VS Operational Intelligence

Critical information is information which could be of some use in our security objectives pertaining to a nation;s homeland security or counter terrorism doctrine.

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The False Myth Behind Prevention

States, organizations, security departments, security operatives, guards and many more like to use the word prevention when describing their daily routine and emergency activities.

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Is Deterrence an Objective or the Result of Proactive Activity?

Unfortunately, this is wishful thinking and based on mere probability and a false understanding of a motivated and capable adversary.

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The Ignorance Behind Profiling

I want to start this post by stating that all so-called practitioners of proactive security clearly misunderstand what the art of profiling includes.

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Relying on the Gut Feeling and Making it an Operational Component of the Security Work

The gut feeling can be a very effective tool in security, particularly when you lack critical data but need to make a rapid decision, or when you cannot explain a particular feeling you have.

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Deterrence - A Risky False Positive Placebo

Deterrence is not a security objective and do not count on it when you build your security doctrine, plan, procedures for effective prevention and/or neutralization tactics for adversary threats.

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Checking the Security of Your Organization

The steps are: 1- Define exactly what you want to check and be precise in your formulation: An example would be: What is the response time of the security department for identifying the presence of a suspicious object?

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Understanding Theaters of Operation

Theaters of operation must be carefully analyzed, studied and meticulously read in order to prepare first responders for the reality of scenarios they may face.

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Is the willingness to die in an attack greater than the willingness to protect?

The answer is simple but unpleasant! Theoretically speaking, western democracies put human lives at the top of their moral and operational pyramids!

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The Zero Sum Game

So many experts around the world try to offer suggestions in body language, suspicious sign recognition, reactionary tactics, and the list goes on and on.

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What is real time Prevention?

But what do they mean? Prevention is usually associated with defensive measures of security designed to stop the attack from taking place or dissuade the perpetrators from selecting you as a target.

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Responding to a threat that cannot be identified

A very unfortunate situation in security involves building response scenarios for threats that you are unable to identify in real time.

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