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Our Reviews

“A special thanks to all the SLPRO teams that delivered customized solutions to severe safety vulnerabilities in our supply chain.”

A large Venue

“SLPRO delivered field based solutions to our sites by taking into account the diverse theas incurred by our personnel. Tactics and response solutions were vert direct, surgical and test poven.”

A sensitive delegation

“We want to thank SLPRO for delivering an incredible hands-on course to our heads of departments. The seminar was incredibly realistic and we are grateful for the simulations carried and the motivation it has given our personnel.”

International Airport

“Thank you SLPRO for the excellent work carried out in liaising between Management, safety and security personnel and the police in the scope of our sensitive events and high risk delegations. Fon once, all involved parties were cooperating and spoke the same language, We never thought this could be possible.”

A major European Port

“We want to congratulate SLPRo for delivering a unique set of procedures and protocols for detecting anomalies within our flights.”

A major European Airline

“SLPRO is probably a unique service provider with the management being involved in all the operational services provided. The realistic approach was incredibly beneficial to all our teams operating in the field.”

An international Police Department